Lead: Dr. Silvia Gstrein (University of Innsbruck) and Mag. Christian Kaier (University of Graz)


DOIs have become the de facto standard in recent years as unique, durable, citable identifiers for publications and research data. In Austria, however, at the beginning of the project, there was no central registry administering the DOI allocation. Individual solutions were already in use at individual institutions.

The initiative of the work package regarding DOI, which started with the preparation of a decision paper on the topic "National DOI Desk" for the Steering Committee of the project, was brought to a successful conclusion: The Vienna University of Technology declared itself after several discussions in the context of the work package ready to take over the DOI award for Austrian institutions from the TIB Hannover. A service center for the DOI assignment in Austria is currently under construction at the Vienna University of Technology. This means that for the first time a local contact is available in Austria for knowledge transfer and coordination in the field of DOI assignment.

On the basis of existing guides and policies, the members of the work package also prepared a sample policy for DOI assignment to (Austrian) institutions. It defines the rights and obligations of DOI recipients and requirements for digital objects as well as defining responsibilities and workflows for the assignment of DOIs. The sample policy was published in April 2019 in German and English and made available for reuse.

ORCID iDs enable a clear assignment of research services to people, with more than 6 million ORCID iDs already distributed worldwide. For information on these persistent identifiers for researchers and for the collection of interests for a national consortium, the work package organized together with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU Wien) the ORCID Austria Workshop in May 2018 and conducted a multi-level survey on possible interested parties in such a consortium and the Consortium Lead. On the basis of this preparatory work, Vienna University of Technology and the University of Vienna have agreed to jointly take over the lead of an ORCID Austria Consortium from 1.1.2019 onwards, in which 11 Austrian institutions are currently participating.

The work package was able to successfully complete all planned projects within the framework of e-Infrastructures Austria plus. Thanks to the activities of e-Infrastructures Austria plus, the project partners and all other interested institutions now have contact points, contact persons and guidelines for the two Persistent Identifiers DOI and ORCID iD at the national level.




Ferus, Andreas; Gstrein, Silvia; Hikl, Anna-Laetitia; Kaier, Christian; Kranewitter, Michael; Marín Arraiza, Paloma; Mayer, Adelheid (2019). Institutionelle Muster-DOI-Policy.  Digitale Bibliothek der Universität Innsbruck. DOI 10.25651/1.2019.0001

Ferus, Andreas; Gstrein, Silvia; Hikl, Anna-Laetitia; Kaier, Christian; Kranewitter, Michael; Marín Arraiza, Paloma; Mayer, Adelheid (2019). Institutional Model Policy for the Registration of Digital Object Identifiers.  Digitale Bibliothek der Universität Innsbruck. DOI 10.25651/1.2019.0002

Gstrein, Silvia & Kaier, Christian (2017). DOI-Vergabe in Österreich: Szenarien. Internes Entscheidungspapier für Lenkungsausschuss.

Heindl, Markus, Hikl, Anna-Laetitita und Kaier, Christian (2018). ORCID Austria Workshop (Wien, 24. Mai 2018). Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 71(3-4), S. 468-474. DOI 10.31263/voebm.v71i3-4.2109 .

ORCID Austria