The project management is the responsibility of the University of Innsbruck. It ensures the optimization of processes and acts as an intermediary and coordinator between the bodies of the partner community and the project partners.



Thomas Haselwanter (project leader)

Eva Ramminger (project coordination)

Heike Thöricht (project assistance)





The plenary assembly acts as a representative body and as the last responsible body in decision-making. It serves as a common forum for all project partners. Votes are held in this body. The General Assembly is the last responsible body for fundamental decisions. The Assembly regularly reports to the Steering Committee by way of project management.

The General Assembly is composed of one representative from each of the project partners, a chairperson and a deputy chairperson: a total of 11 persons, 9 of which have the right to vote (chairman and deputies do not have the right to vote) , Associated partners can be invited to participate in the project. They are confirmed by resolution of the General Assembly. They participate with one representative each. However, they receive no funding and have no voting rights in the General Assembly. The assembly elects a chairman and his deputy from among them. The term of office of the chairman and the deputy is limited to one year. You can be re-elected after this period. The first term of office begins on 03. July 2017 and ends on 31 December 2018. With acceptance of the office, the chairman and deputy can no longer represent the project partner to which they belong. The affected project partners appoint new representatives. The plenary session sends its chairman and deputy to the Steering Committee. The kick-off meeting and the first plenary meeting are convened by the project leader, and all subsequent meetings are convened by the chairman of the plenary session after consultation with the project leader. Other employees of the individual project partners may also participate in the General Assembly.

Dr. Paolo Budroni (University of Vienna) and Mag. Beate Guba (Vienna University of Technology) are chairs and vice-chairs of the plenary session in the first and second term of office.





The Steering Committee gives impetus to the basic orientation of the project based on the decisions of the Assembly. He comments, evaluates and recommends the drafts of the work packages. The Steering Committee is made up of members of the Rectorate or Project Management of the project partners, the Project Leader as a co-opted non-voting member, the Chairman of the General Assembly, the Vice-Chairman of the Assembly and external technical experts. The steering committee is convened by the project manager at least once a calendar year and elects a coordinator at the first meeting. Vocal weights: If an institution sends more than one representative to the Steering Committee, this institution is represented by only one vote.




Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Meixner (University of Innsbruck, Chair)

DI Dr. Michaela Fritz (MedUni Vienna)

Prof. DI Dr. Johannes Fröhlich (Vienna University of Technology)

Dr. Burghild Schubert (University of Graz)

Dr. Paolo Budroni (University of Vienna, Chairman Plenary Assembly)

Mag. Beate Guba (Vienna University of Technology, Deputy Chair Assembly)

Mag. Thomas Haselwanter (University of Innsbruck, project leader)

Mag. Eva Ramminger (University of Innsbruck, coordination)